Get to know our stakeholders.
The Springfield Regional Jobs Committee acts as a bridge between the community and the government, focusing on workforce and skill development. This map outlines all key government, business, and community organisations involved in employment, skills development, and workforce planning in our area.
SRJC Stakeholder Engagement Map
Key Stakeholders
Engagement Methods
State Government
Department of Trade, Employment and Training
Minister for Finance, Trade, Employment and Training
State Member of Parliament Charis Mullen MP
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Industry & Associations
Local Government
Chamber of Commerce
Community Organisations
Multicultural Australia
YMCA Springfield
Ipswich Community Youth Service
Challenge Employment and Training
Education, Skills and Training
Department of Education RSIP Manager
Link and Launch Manager
Springfield Central State High School
Woodcrest State College
Hymba Yumba Independent School
TAFE Queensland South West
University of Southern Queensland
Mater Education
University of Queensland (Springfield)
Mater Hospital (Springfield)
Local Jobs Taskforce
Energy Skills Queensland
Key Engagement Methods
Social Media
Newspaper Articles
Engagement Coverage
The stakeholders listed are not exhaustive. Further engagement with additional organisations and individuals will occur across the Greater Springfield region to ensure comprehensive community involvement and representation.
Engagement Frequency
Frequency will vary based on stakeholder group and reason for engagement. If you are interested in knowing more, or supporting the Springfield Regional Jobs Committee, please contact Liz Conroy at